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Product Development

The coming years represent a major opportunity for innovative product development:

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As discussed in the report 'Unlisted funds, lessons from the crisis' for the Association of Real Estate Funds (AREF), the period of volatility revealed failings in both the traditional open and closed-ended funds model. There is an opportunity to create new types of fund vehicle blending the best characteristics of both;

Investors disillusioned by the failings of blind-pool funds have preferred to invest via separate accounts, joint ventures and club deals, however in many cases the vehicles incorporating fund features;

Regulatory and tax changes in the UK and elsewhere are creating new fund regimes and changing the attractiveness of others;

The decline in traditional life insurance products and defined benefits pension provision creates challenges but also opportunities for the real estate investment management industry.  The decline in traditional products is likely to be accelerated in the European Union by regulatory change in the form of Solvency II and IORP;

The globalisation of the sources of investment capital will gather pace over the next decade.

John has been an acknowledged expert on fund structuring for many years and is able to bring both insight and cost effective project management capability to the product development and fund launch process for UK and international funds.


Case studies can be provided on request


Details of presentations and reports on real estate fund structuring and related matters can be found here



You can read about how John helps managers and investors with fund due diligence here.

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